Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Competitiveness in the USA; Our Social Inability to Disconnect Our Personal and Professional Lives from Athletics.
September 2, 2015
By Victor Meier

James Harrison of National Football League, Pittsburg, Stillers fame says that sometimes your best is not enough and he is correct in saying so.

One major aspect of sports and competition is that it gives one the opportunity to take the advice of Ice Cube and “Check Yoself”. This is can be very good and it is in some way very, close to our DNA. There is a difference, however, in life I have learned that when everyone wins, everyone wins.

I beg the question: Why is it that we are cool with the so-called “Pussification” of our playing fields, courts, tracks, etc. and so reluctant to want to help people who in life are actually struggling by little to no fault of their own? People who are merely victims of circumstances? And fuck you if you think you couldn’t end up there yourself.

There are no winners and losers in life. People don’t deserve to be discarded our treated like they just need to work harder. Anyone who says just work harder or get a better job truly has no clue because they have and I say gratefully, they have never experienced true poverty.

You can say that the past couple of years have been an experiment in poverty for me personally. I mean, I thought I was broke before but I am truly mired in debt and doing so going into my forties. Now, if I said that doesn’t layer a certain amount of shame and disparity upon my existence I would be lying.

Frankly, the matter at hand haunts me to no end. No matter how much money I seem to make it never adds up and I am at the very least thankful for my education and not that I necessarily can “fall back” on it; no, the true value of my education and upbringing is that I always believe I can work harder devise a better life strategy. I am constantly progressing.

That isn’t the case for many (oh and by the way, my previous statement in no way means that I will see any financial reprieve in the next decade and let alone saving for retirement…); for many hard working people there is no reprieve in sight…EVER.

This is sad if you don’t feel badly for people who will still make you your shitty McLunch and still make sure that their restaurant…where you eat at is clean and sanitary; even giving enough of a shit to wash their hands before serving you…then you’re either a heartless fuck who should have to live like they do or you’re just too incapable or unwilling to posses the empathy necessary to understand another’s struggles.

I mean, shit; if working hard alone made you “successful” then Mexico would be the richest country on Earth not the United States of America and yeah, I said U.S.A. not America because the America’s are continents with many other countries than the U.S. That is another topic for another time.

Here in the U.S.A. we have some of the best athletes on the planet and therefore some of the most dominant teams in modern history (for whatever the fuck that’s worth; whew…my fantasy team’s in first place woo!...fucking children…wake up, unplug and coach or support a REAL team and not one full of twenty-something millionaires…like you know a youth team or something in your community, it really does take a fucking village and when you play in your fantasy world instead it robs our society of its potential) and we believe that we have to transfer this idea of success to the business world and even our very “autonomous” society.

That is complete bullshit. Check out how MJ’s coaching and ownership has worked out for him. Besides, many of the assholes telling us to fight over crumbs while they make off with the cake…many of them are just bush-leaguers who were born on third and act like they hit a triple.

We are meant to live in harmony with all living things. In the past I have written about poverty and the value of social programs and other hippy shit. I’m taking a slightly different approach and almost invoking the very defense that I do not myself value much in the form of an anecdotal argument.

I agree with James Harrison when it comes to sports. Fran Tarkenton made a post football career on the topic of losing and it’s merits. I once heard Tarkenton say that he would repeat all four loses in the big game because to him that was living; he felt sorrow and it only propelled him to go further and to push beyond the loss (words to that effect or at least that’s what I took away from it. Shit, it was on some late night infomercial, give me a break).

In any event, in sports we also learn to pick each other up, even our opponent. In sports we are taught to be courageous winners and to encourage our competition politely in loss…Good Game. When we play on a T.E.A.M. we are taught that Together Everyone Achieves More and on that T.E.A.M. there is a chain that must not be broken and that as a chain we are only as strong as our weakest link. Citizens of the United States of America let’s pick each other up for we are only as strong as the weakest amongst us.

Sports have gripped so much of our culture today that as a supposedly “united people” we are collectively unable to separate the idea of winners and losers in life versus the playing field, court, track, fucking cross-jump tractor pull shit, etc. Pick a person up while they are down…you’ll feel good about it.[1] It’s all a shitty little game just like our Monopoly Money.

"I came home to find out that my boys received two trophies for nothing, participation trophies! While I am very proud of my boys for everything they do and will encourage them till the day I die, these trophies will be given back until they EARN a real trophy. I'm sorry I'm not sorry for believing that everything in life should be earned and I'm not about to raise two boys to be men by making them believe that they are entitled to something just because they tried their best...cause sometimes your best is not enough, and that should drive you to want to do better...not cry and whine until somebody gives you something to shut u up and keep you happy. #harrisonfamilyvalues"[2]


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Saline Valley

October 2014
Victor Meier 

“Reinventing me has been easy enough,” I thought to myself, “I've done that plenty of times.” Though, I asked myself, “What makes this time different?” I've reinvented myself before. I’m down with personal growth. It’s a bit painful but doable and ultimately rewarding.

So, next I asked myself that night…under clear heavenly skies...naked…trippin’ balls while soaking with my brother and our new friends Gail, Dano, Gary and the infamous Miss Phyllis Cybin in a remote hot spring known as the “Wizard Tub”; under a luminescent blanket of stars and in the middle of fucking do I fit into this great puzzle known as life and how can affect positive change in my life?

The journey into my current state of self awareness began months ago as I have realized that my poor behavior and intense personality oftentimes pushes people away. This is especially disheartening as I am a people person…a “Man of the People” if you will. I want more than anything to cultivate positive relationships yet often times find myself sabotaging my own desires for one reason or another…usually relating to ego, though.

I started to fall deeply into my own thoughts and criticisms somewhere between when cell phone service dropped and the true feeling of freedom began. I set my GPS with this destination in mind and no, the irony does not go without my notice. However, I turned it ALL OFF when we got to the road for Saline Valley and I did so gladly.

I live so much of my life connected to society and shackled by the constraints of the electronic handcuffs. I needed this escape and that is exactly what it was. I have no qualms against saying so. I needed to feel primal. I severed that technological umbilical cord keeping me connected to the “civilized” world for a few days with joyous exuberance.

Out there I found that many others are doing the same thing and it just feels so right; unless you’re one of the assholes who bring their satellite phones and such. I say so, not in personal judgment. Instead, I say this in a clinical evaluation; as more of a diagnosis than a judgment.

Heading into Saline Valley I found myself baptized in dust while my soul was being slowly cleansed over the seemingly endless miles of washboard. In light of this all, my mind ran blank. I wondered if this would be the experience that I was looking for; or if I had merely packed all my unwanted bagged and carried it along with me.

One finds him or herself enamored with this amazing landscape that somehow seems foreign and yet familiar at the same time. It’s like you’re on the set of a Star Trek Episode out there. Not one of the janky new ones…an original, over-acted sixties version of the show…one of those sets…yeah, just like that.

 The journey into Saline Valley is alliterated with breathtaking views of canyons that we narrowly traced lines through and punctuated by the terrain as our truck rambled over jagged rocks only feet away from steep drops and no guard rails.

With the nearest emergency services many miles away (not to mention not having the ability to contact help via cell phone); the experience felt harrowing. I suggest traveling with a CB (C-Band) Radio for emergency purposes. There can be some scattered and limited reception, just don’t plan on it.

You’re going to want to bring first aid kits, tire repair kits, plenty of potable water and a back up water filter just in case (among other necessities). On our way in my brother and I suffered a flat tire and though prepared, we weren't totally prepared as we did not have the right kind of jack to change our punctured front tire. Yes, a punctured off-road tire and punctured in the tread no less. This wasn't a terrible circumstance as, unlike a side wall puncture, we were able to patch it once we had changed to the spare tire.

It’s a good thing we also had a full sized spare tire. However, this is bad for General Tires. Those tires suck with a capital S. I can assure you that I have never experience any such familiar fate with my BF Goodrich All Terrain Tires. With their triple steal construction, BFGs are my heavily weighted suggestion for your off-road vehicle. However, a tire with at least a 10-Ply tread is heavily suggested.

So, we’re already miles-a-fucking-way from nowhere and we begin the difficult part of our journey to Saline Valley. As I mentioned before, one becomes cleansed by over fifty miles of sacred wash board road that the regulars call “The Fifty Mile Bullshit Filter”.

The regular jet fighter training missions being conducted throughout the week by the three various military bases in the general vicinity tend to spoil a small amount of the remote nature that the Saline Valley Warm Springs lay claim to.

I won’t be apologizing for blogging about Saline Valley either, even if that upsets some of the regulars who are under the misinformed notion that the hot springs maintain their once enjoyed status of secrecy. Perhaps the fact that the National Park Service does not include Saline Valley’s existence on its maps feeds this erroneous belief of secrecy.

The fact of the matter is that Saline Valley’s absence from park maps allows for the very existence of the man-made tubs and provides the loop hole that the “Grandfathered” rules enjoy. The countless recollections of visits to Saline Valley and even a Wikipedia Page spoil some of the secrecy as well.

Don’t tell some of the regulars though; they still believe they have a secret spot and that is completely fine with me. Saline Valley has the quaint feeling of Disney’s Adventure Land combined with a Hippy Commune. Fact is the road does more to filter the inhabitants of Saline Valley than anything else.

The springs have been around in their current incarnation since the 1960s and have been Grandfathered into the National Park Service (NPS); meaning they wouldn’t exist under the current Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Standards and Rules. Oddly so, because the BLM is a public trust and should adhere to the standards that we the public deem acceptable. Luckily Saline Valley has not and most likely will not suffer the fate of other similar hot springs.

There is a Nudist aspect to Saline Valley and when one visits one should comply with the culture. This is another Grandfathered aspect of the Oasis and a beautifully freeing aspect that I personally hope never changes.

If the original inhabitants of the area, the Shoshone Tribe, regain their control of their land as they have proposed, they will most likely do away with the nudity. That would be environmentally and historically ignorant as the ancestors of the Shoshone people most likely bathed communally and naked while doing so. Not to mention how bad the dye in our clothing is for the environment and this fragile eco system. I’m sure this intention has something to do with the dogmatic thinking introduced by the “White-Eye” Religions and not culturally or historically accurate to the Shoshone People. I don’t remember ever hearing of Aboriginal Americans wearing bathing suits. I digress though.

There are plenty of other sources to get the directions to Saline Valley Warms Springs from and in the era of Google I expect if you REALLY want to get here you will summons the will to find a way. However, out of respect for the regulars and the many that have come before you and me, I will only say that you start by venturing into your first hot spring. To quote Miss Cybin, “We’re all on ‘The Tour.” This simply meant that when you meet up at a special place like Saline Valley it is usually because you have ventured to similar, more accessible locations first. However, the sentiment was much more poetically voiced by Miss Cybin.

Make your plans…sure… “Let’s head to the desert!” That’s what you’ll tell yourself and your friends. You have no fucking idea though. There’s a little thing that is known as “Saline Time” and that simply means what you think it means. Wow, look at the big brain on Brad! Yes, time does not matter in Saline Valley. Your watch is bullshit out there and when one speaks of time too frequently one runs the risk of being an asshole.

So if you want to devise you’re plans for the next “Burning Man” type celebration…”These are not the hot tubs you’re looking for.” Scale things down in your mind immensely. Unless you’re an asshole like the guy with the satellite antenna or who’s looking at his watch…in Saline Valley, you are completely off “The Grid”…out of “The Matrix”…Disconnected. You have the opportunity to return back to the basics.

The community operates in a state of communal organized chaos. “Structured Anarchy” one of the communist called it. Yet there is still the allure of quirky art and the inspiration that artists often draw from the desert; hence the anarchy part. 

After settling into the Crystal Tub on our first morning I told one fellow bather, “My brain was already here when my body showed up.” That’s the place one needs to be in order to truly enjoy the holistic healing powers of not only the hot springs, the valley itself.

There is so much to take in; from the random artwork, to a former Elvis Memorial (disassembled by the BLM and re-established by Phyllis and me), the wild donkeys, three separate hot spring locations, countless hikes, a labyrinth, the uniquely resilient delicate life that clings to the desert symbiotically and many other interesting sights as well.

When a really cool a freely naked man told me about “Saline Time” (whilst sitting in the Crystal Tub) …seriously… I really mean a FREELY naked man…there’s an abundance of them too. Just to warn you if that’s not your jam. It was like Harold and Kumar all over again with the “Pants-Off Party”.  He wore a hat, sunglasses and a denim shirt…just no pants; more power to him. In fact, that’s how many of the regulars roll. If you’re not down then don’t bother visiting.

This is my blog and I feel it necessary to paint an accurate picture for you. The technical rules are that nudity is only permitted within and confined to the hot tub areas. However, soon upon arrival you will find this simply isn’t the case and thank goodness this is so. Stripped of our costumes in Saline Valley one has the opportunity to really connect with others and nature; also, giving you a pathway to connect with one’s own psyche.

Anyway, pants-off party told us all about Saline Time and he was right. You end up asking yourself, “What time is it?” Oddly enough you find yourself answering yourself as if you were Winnie the Pooh…saying to yourself, “I don’t know?” and then following up with something like, “Am I hungry?” And if “yes” then it’s time to eat…and when you’re tired it’s time to sleep…etcetera. That’s how Saline Time works.

Outside of the Top Gun fly-bys (which my brother, the self proclaimed “Air Plane Nerd” thinks is totally cool) Saline Valley is paradise for me and put frankly, Saline Valley fulfills the claim of an Oasis in the truest sense of the word. I found myself lost in Saline Time and I didn’t want to leave.

In a moment of a shared expression of love for “The King” …yes, Elvis (truly speaking to the fact that the King lives) I discovered that there is an Elvis Memorial. One thing, nobody told me prior to the hike is that the BLM had ruined most of it. The mound of rocks which made the base of the memorial still exists; however, the memorabilia which had accumulated since the seventies has been long disposed of by the BLM.

Phyllis Cybin (who shares my admiration and love for the King) and I, along with her sister Gail and my brother Eric, decided to hike to the monument anyway. We made the summit just after sunset and did not have long to pay our respects. We decided to make a TCB with a lightning bolt out of rocks. That’s Taking Care of Business in a Flash for those of you unaware of that fact. Moreover, it was a famous saying of Elvis’ and something he had written on his personal jet.

So, reinventing myself; that’s what this entire mission was about. I knew there was something I needed to do differently as my struggle to maintain my passions in life is consistently challenged because of my ego and inability to just “be”. That’s right…just being; that’s my goal. Be in the moment. Take the time to listen to people and be there for people in the way that they need me to be.

During our excursion I was given that very opportunity. After coming back from the King’s Memorial we were greeted by Dano and Gary with shrimp cocktails and some delicious box wine that Phyllis brought. Dano whipped up some delicious tortellini in a tomato sauce while Gary prepared some of the best beef tenderloin that this former Chef has ever tasted. Perhaps it was the company? Perhaps it was the environment we were enjoying together? Whatever it was the experience was euphoric. In fact, dinner was only upstaged by the psilocybin laced chocolates we had for dessert.

I know that life is all about the connections that we make with each other. These experiences in Saline Valley only reinforced that notion. What I figure I need to do is a better job of cultivating and maintaining these connections. I can be such a recluse and curmudgeon at times when I’m not self regulating. In other words, I can be an asshole. I’m what one might call an asshole in recovery.

I have learned that I cannot allow bad connections with people of any sort because it hurts me too much personally. I need to make less egotistical and narcissistic decisions in my life. As a society we must lead ourselves to the rewarding feeling of engaging and accepting others as well as ourselves; in my world that begins and ends with me and my behavior.

I have not been the type of friend and partner I have wanted to be. I have not treated people well at times and all because I allowed others to dictate my behavior based on an over active and weak ego. I have been especially difficult on the one person I love the most. I told myself, “Suck it up and make and effort.” You see a sticker on vehicles from time to time, “No Bad Days” and that should be my mantra.

Life is what happens to you when you don’t take ownership of your behavior and allow others to change or dictate your actions. Life happens to you when you don’t participate and instead find excuses. It’s not just about treating others as you would like to be treated. Life is about finding out how others want to be treated and treating them the way they desire to be treated.
Here’s the thing: I profoundly now understand what my direction in life is. Saline Valley and all of its healing powers has helped give me that. I also believe that it is my duty (I said duty) to use my journalistic prowess to help preserve and protect the Saline Valley’s fragile Eco system and even more fragile culture.

Us Naturalists…Nudists…Hippies…whatever (it’s just the way I was raised); there are very few places that we can go in the United States and feel as if we are free to be ourselves and not hurt others in (ironically enough) the “Land of the Free”. There aren’t many places available to us for this sort of pleasure and self discovery. I’m not religious I consider myself spiritual though and Saline Valley is one of the religious/spiritual places like holy lands, churches or temples where I practice my brand of spirituality/religion. Many others enjoy it for the same reason, too.

Saline Valley is one of these magical places for us Hippies. I ask you, no…on behalf of the Hippies, Regulars and Pioneers who established this place and have protected its history and sanctity so that the nudity laws would be forgone due to its traditional nature…on behalf of all that and that which our freedoms stand for, I implore you, please keep your prudish asses out of the Saline Valley Warm Springs and leave it to those of us who would rather not bother anyone else.

This is a Mecca of sorts for us and a very sacred place we come to commune with nature and each other. Everyone is welcome as long as the culture is observed and respected. So, if Saline Valley sounds like your jam…come on in and enjoy…that water is perfect! Though, just remember to take only photos and leave only footprints. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Taking A Huge Step Forward While Helping Reduce The Carbon Footprint

Sierra Conservation Project and the Town of Mammoth Lakes team up to expand the town’s recycling program.

By Victor Meier

The Town of Mammoth Lakes has teamed up with The Sierra Conservation Project, Inc. (SCP) in order to put one large, green foot forward.

Progressive changes are prevailing in Mammoth Lakes, CA as the SCP along with Mammoth has announced the expansion of services to the condominium, commercial and recreational area recycling programs. This is great news on the heels of learning about the proposed ban on plastic bottles and bags that is gaining momentum amongst many Mammoth locals.

The partnership between the SCP and the Town of Mammoth Lakes has existed for quite some time now and is considered by town officials to be a successful program. Mammoth and the SCP have received an award of $108,000 grant from Department of Recourses Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to expand their current recycling programs within the Town of Mammoth Lakes.

According to the town’s official website, The SCP is working in concert with the Town of Mammoth Lakes and CalRecycle to provide 30 bear-proof containers to the condominium complexes in town that currently don’t have a recycling program.

The CalRecylcle grant funds will allow the SCP and Mammoth to upgrade all of their commercial bear-proof containers at restaurants, bars and other business locations in town. Improvement to the Mammoth’s recycling infrastructure in and around the Lakes Basin will involve new containers in town parks like the Whitmore Recreation Area and Shady Rest Park.

To register for the SCP and Town Condominium Recycling Program, the town encourages you to visit there you can fill out necessary additional information. For additional information on the Condominium and Business Recycling Program, you may contact the Sierra Conservation Project at (760) 914 0115 or e-mail

Friday, March 14, 2014

Public Service Announcement from Mono County

The Assistant Director of Finance, Rosemary Glazier would like to remind all Mono County Property Owners that the 2nd installment of th 2013/14 Secured Property Taxes are due. Glazier reminds Mono property owners that they have until Thursday April 10, 2014 to submit a properly postmarked envelope with their payments enclosed to the Post Office or submitted to the Bridgeport County Offices on the same day before 5:00pm. Southern County residents, for your conveinence payments can be made at the Mono County Community Development Office which is located in Mammoth Lakes near the town offices at The Minaret Village Mall. Property owners may also make payments over the phone by simply calling 1 (866) 506-3860 or via the worldwide web @
Remember ALL Mono County Property Owners have until Thursday, April 10, 2014 to make their payments.

Wisconsin Republican Congressman, Paul Ryan Claims He Was Inarticulate

(USA Today Photo)

The distinguished gentleman proving
why one should never apologize unless one means it.

By Victor Meier

Following the story about Wisconsin Republican Congressman, Paul Ryan there is clarification regarding Representative Ryan’s comments.

Apparently and according to Paul Ryan he was merely being inarticulate. That may have been the case, it doesn’t appear that way, however, I will give Rep. Ryan the benefit of doubt. So, please Mr. Ryan…by all means, articulate further regarding your comments about “inner city men” for us.

Here is Mr. Ryan’s official statement in its entirety:

After reading the transcript of yesterday morning’s interview, it is clear that I was inarticulate about the point I was trying to make. I was not implicating the culture of one community-but of society as a whole. We have allowed our society to isolate or quarantine the poor rather than integrate people into our communities. The predictable result has been multi-generational poverty and little opportunity. I also believe the government’s response has inadvertently created a poverty trap that builds barriers to work. A stable, good-paying job is the best bridge out of poverty. The broader point I was trying to make is that we cannot settle for this status quo and that government and families have to do more and rethink our approach to fighting poverty. I have witnessed amazing people fighting against great odds with impressive success in poor communities. We can learn so much from them, and that is where this conversation should begin.

Right away my BS meter begins to peak when Rep. Ryan starts with “After reading the transcript” as if he were having some sort of out-of-body experience. Like during his interview he was possessed by the homeless holy spirit, speaking in tongues and has no idea what he said. Furthermore, if these are such essential principles to your ability to effectively legislate then wouldn’t one have a more firm grasp upon one’s assertions, beliefs and convictions. For goodness sake, people’s lively hoods and in some cases their very lives are depending on what legislation is enacted.

Secondly and quite obviously Ryan calls his comments “inarticulate” which brings one of my favorite quotes from the movie The Princess Bride and the famous words of Inigo Montoyo, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” No, Representative Ryan, you actually were very articulate in conveying your message. Allow me to reiterate your points and in your words. “We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning to value the culture of work, so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with,” so say Paul Ryan. Also, keep in mind the point I made in the preceding article; rural poverty affects more Americans than urban poverty.

In any event, that’s what Rep. Ryan said and then he went on to further his claims and substantiate his beliefs by sighting the Bell Curve and the work of (pseudo) Social Scientist Charles Murray. Paul Ryan is arguing that in Murray’s so-called research (and I say that with great confidence as many traditional scientists refute Murray’s work based on a lack of actual scientific principle) claiming “disadvantaged communities” are disadvantaged because of an inability to compete with Caucasian men. This is simply because these “disadvantaged men in disadvantaged communities” are intellectually and morally inferior. I’ll let that sink in.

It appears as if Rep. Ryan believes he can Jedi Mind Trick the American people into believing his own spin? “I was not implicating the culture of one community,” Ryan said. With all due respect Mr. Ryan, yes you were. In fact, that is exactly what you were doing. Those were your words. Nobody misquoted you or paraphrased your statements inaccurately. That was your emphatic sentiment alone. You supported your beliefs by sighting the Bell Curve. Ryan claimed that residents of the inner city have a “real culture problem”. The “Inner City” is a community and you accused them of having a real culture problem relating to their work ethic and claimed that it was multigenerational.

California Representative, Democrat Barbara Lee is also the former Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus and for obvious reasons took exception with Ryan’s comments. Representative Lee levied her own criticism of the Congressman’s comments. “Let’s be clear, when Mr. Ryan says ‘inner city’, when he says ‘culture’, these are simply code words for what he really means, black,” Representative Lee said in a statement Wednesday. In an interview with Joy Reid, Rep. Lee stated that Rep. Ryan had reached out to her and that she had not backed away from her assertions.

Representative Ryan claims to be making a broader point about poverty and how we as a nation deal with the subject. That is merely more lip service by the distinguished gentleman from Wisconsin. The House of Representatives following Ryan’s leadership alongside Speaker of the House, John Boehner have blocked 7 attempts by the Obama Administration to created jobs. The House has forced President Obama to sign executive orders in order to provide relief and support to many hard working Americans. The Republican lead House of Representatives have not introduced one piece of legislation proposing even one job.

Narrative is cheap and when one is insane enough to keep repeating oneself, unfortunately there are a great many people who will believe what a person is saying no matter how contradictory the information is. If a person repeats something enough times to enough people it eventually becomes true. Paul Ryan said, “You can’t just say I’m paying my taxes, government’s going to fix that. You need to get involved.” Yes you absolutely can and in fact that is part of getting involved.

Paying taxes and supporting social programs is the most patriotic act in a democratic government. That is what taxes are designed to do. It seems to work well enough with every other government function and you don’t hear Republicans saying that you can’t just pay your taxes and hope the government will protect you from terrorists. That has become the entire function of our standing military. Contributing to the civic structure of America and demanding that your contributions be correctly attributed is extremely patriotic and adheres to the principles of our founding fathers and framers of our government.

The hypocrisy that is allowed to be spewed and treated like valid information is sickening to me. Fellow Americans, brothers and sisters stand up to this evil tyranny and demand more from our leadership. Rep. Ryan is right to some degree. Americans cannot expect government to do anything positive for us because people like Ryan are incapable of leading and accomplishing anything for the American people. The Republican lead House of Representatives are too busy undermining the efforts of the current administration to focus on accomplishing anything that will allow us to look upon the government during this period in time favorably. They question I keep asking readers is why? Why is this occurring?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Truth About Poverty in America

(AP Photo)

Why Congressman Paul Ryan couldn’t be more wrong about poverty in America.

By Victor Meier

At this point if you slightly pay attention to American politics you have either heard or been told about Wisconsin Congressman (R), Paul Ryan’s recent statements regarding the culture of America’s inner city men; something about how there are generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work.

Representative Ryan recently made an appearance on Bill Bennett’s Morning in America, a radio talk show hosted by conservative Bill Bennett. Rep. Ryan serves as the Chairman of the House Budget Committee and was visiting the show to discuss his new policy proposals regarding America's social safety nets otherwise refered to as welfare. Central to the congressman’s plan is re-emphasizing work and for some reason to reform America's welfare programs.

Fraud accounts for less that 2% of unemployment insurance payments in America. In the statistical world this amounts to little more than an anomaly. According to research reported by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), the industries which are most vulnerable to fraud are businesses in the banking and financial institutions. Government, public administration and followed by manufacturing round out the other top categories. The mention of government and public administration make reference the corruption of civic leadership we see so rampantly and to in regard to public assistance or social safety net recipients.

(Image from
 Furthermore, according to the same ACFE report it was managers and executives who usually commit the most fraudulent behavior. Which brings us back to Rep. Ryan and his erroneous approach to poverty; Ryan believes that there is in his words a, “Tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work.” Ryan went on to qualify his statements by saying, “So there’s a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with.”

Congressman Ryan most likely realized how his comments would be received and went on to encourage Americans to get involved. Ryan believes that Americans can show that a civil society rather than government can best serve the poor. This is where I have to fight from going completely nuts. Idiotic and misinformed statements like these are only feeding American’s misconception and understanding of American Civics and Politics. So, I’m going to begin class for a moment and give a quick civics lesson beginning with definitions.

Opinion (o·pin·ion / əˈpinyən/) noun; a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Not necessarily based in fact or knowledge. Please let that sink in; because this is why when it comes to fact based discussions an opinion is not always valued. Our next word is Government (gov·ern·ment/ ˈgəvər(n)mənt) noun; the governing body of a nation, state, or community. The type of government that we have in America is called a Democracy (de·moc·ra·cy/diˈmäkrəsē) noun: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. To paraphrase we have a system of self governance in America.

So, in effect, we already have the system in place to do what Congressman Ryan suggests. There are already platforms in place to support Rep. Ryan’s ideas. This reminds me of the rage against driving with cell phones and the resulting laws supporting hands free driving; ignoring the fact that it is already against the law to be distracted while driving and furthermore, studies have concluded that drivers are just as distracted by phone calls whether or not hands free.

Students, we are at a crossroads now where it seems that one person’s opinion is just as important as another person’s factual information and studied approach. The vilification of government is simply asinine. It is completely counterproductive to what our societal needs.

Now you understand that fraud related to entitlement programs is nearly nonexistent and I beg of you to forego your kneejerk response to apply anecdotal information to the mix. Everyone seems to know someone who they believe is undeserving of the support they are receiving and this is troubling to me. To gripe over crumbs whilst the rich and wealthy feast is simply crab grabbing and it seems to me that much of the American public is happy begrudging each other rather than demanding more for themselves.

Republican Congressman Paul Ryan believes that our problem stems from the inner city. That’s interesting let’s examine that assertion. According to a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) study Rural Poverty exceeds Urban Poverty and especially in the Southern United States where many of Rep. Ryan’s colleagues and supporters come from. I for one simply cannot understand why they are so deceitful; other than because of unscrupulous greed. The actions that Ryan has proposed are immoral.

Rep. Ryan keeps referencing former President of the United States Bill Clintons welfare reform from 1996 where the idea of “Welfare to Work” was spawned. Great points Congressman, so, tell me again why there is need for your program other than to make significant cuts that would only affect a small fraction of the US Budget? Why do we need to reform programs with nearly non-existent fraud? This is exactly the same sort of witch hunt conjured up to create restrictive voting rights. Please don’t believe the hype just because a person is insane enough to keep repeating it.

This has become a repeated strategy amongst so-called conservatives who have created the existence of problems that are not a large enough part of the solution, though; they occupy much of ours and our government official’s time. These are distractions meant to be veiled as solutions to problems that don’t exist; while ignoring our country’s true problems and solutions. One of the most successful programs in the history of our country is Medicare. Paul Ryan says that the program is inefficient. That is completely untrue. Prior to have Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Relief, etc.; America struggled with enormous amounts of poverty. These programs have effectively thwarted those issues.

Bill Bennett’s Morning in America,
Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Economic Research Service. United States Census Bureau 2013; Annual Social and Economic Supplements.
Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Congressional Budget Office, CBO,

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bishop's Proposed OHV Park

(From September 25, 2013)

City and County Officials propose groundbreaking idea for increasing recreational opportunities in the Eastern Sierras.

By Victor Meier

“If there are any concerns, we want to hear about them.” Bishop City Administrator Keith Caldwell told me before Wednesday night’s first of three public meetings to discuss The ATV Trail System proposed by the City of Bishop and Mono County in collaboration.

According to Mr. Caldwell, “Bishop is the first town in California to offer a program like this one.” Caldwell enthusiastically urged residents to get involved, saying, “We are seeking your input.” City of Bishop and Mono County Officials, CHP Officers, Bishop Police, other members of law enforcement and interest groups gathered in the parking lot of the Bishop Senior Center; giving Bishop and Mono County Residents the opportunity to voice their concerns and get close to the types of vehicles they might encounter should Assembly Bill 628 successfully become implemented.

Bishop City and Mono County officials are expecting the proposed bill to pass within a year and upon completion of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). “How much does the EIR cost the town of Bishop,” a man asked? According to Director of Public Works, David Grah and Mono County Transportation Planner, Courtney Smith, the City of Bishop’s cost will be, “Little to nothing,” in their words. This is due mainly to a generous grant generated by revenue from the California Department of Motor Vehicle’s Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Green Stickers. The “Green Stickers” are issued to all California OHVs year model 2002 and older, including those that were previously issued a red sticker, and to 2003 and newer complying vehicles. Green stickers are issued to OHVs for year round use at all California OHV riding areas.

That same man brought up another point about the need to have an economic analysis conducted, which there have been none to this point. The man, staying focused on the issue of cost, asked about the possibility of the city’s increased expenses for First Responders. Basically, the man wanted to know who was going to guard the high traffic volumes that may potentially occur and if it was going to be Bishop…“How much is that going to cost?”

Bishop Chief of Police, Chris Carter asserted that with implementation of the ATV Trail System, the city would apply for more funds generated from the Green Stickers. He also made mention of his ability to coordinate with other available law enforcement and praised their support. A sentiment that was echoed by the strong presence of law enforcement as mentioned before. The Chief also expressed a desire to “reach out to law enforcement where this sort of program is already in place.”

A woman was concerned about her street, which is along the town’s proposed ATV access route.  Apparently her street has no sidewalks. “Are the routes set in stone,” the woman asked? “My street has no sidewalks and the kids have to play in the street,” she continued, “It worries me.” Mr. Grah assured the woman that, “OHVs are just like traditional vehicles and follow the same rules.” “Yes, within the city they are like any other vehicle,” followed Chief Carter.

Grah had stated earlier that the residents of Bishop who were living along the proposed routes had been notified about their proximity and opportunity to be involved personally by the city of Bishop at each resident’s home. “All the routes are yet to be agreed upon,” said Grah. “We want to increase recreational opportunities in the Eastern Sierras,” continued Grah, “Our goal is to connect OHV areas with services in Bishop.” Bishop Mayor, Laura Smith thinks that, “This can be a great opportunity to bring tourist dollars into Bishop.”

Another man expressed concern for the fact that he was apparently unable to state his questions, comments and/or concerns anywhere other than in public forums like the one offered Wednesday evening. “Go to the (Mono) County website and click on the “Interested Parties” link,” Mono County Transportation Planner, Courtney Smith suggested. Grah told the man, “Our intention was to be informal.”

Collectively Bishop’s Officials supported the idea of being open to change and applying the resident’s valuable concerns and experiences to the program planning. “This is a pilot program and we want your feedback,” said Caldwell, “This is an exciting venture and we are seeking your input,” he reiterated. The Bishop City Administrator was adamant in expressing Bishop’s commitment to “Operating with transparency and taking all the right steps to make sure that it (the proposed ATV Trail System) is safe.”

Facts About the Proposed OHV Trail System

1.      There are no plans that are set in stone-this is a pilot program with room for adjustment.
2.      Routes have yet to be agreed upon.
3.      There has been no CHP Safety determination yet.
4.      The Environment Analysis will be conducted next and thanks to a Green Sticker funded grant will cost Bishop “little to nothing” and will take about one year to complete.
5.      All signage is being paid by the State of California.
6.      Any additional First Responder cost can be offset with Green Sticker funds.
7.      OHV operators are licensed drivers who are required to carry auto insurance.
8.      OHVs must stay on clearly marked and designated routes and are limited to certain vehicles.
9.      No economic analysis has been done relating to the operation of these trails.
